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  • #394

    Don’t mind me, just coming through with a broom and dust pan. Little sweeping and taking down cobwebs.

    Posting promotes posting. Nobody is going to post if they believe nobody else is going to read it much less comment on it. Like most things it starts with the leader…umm the Doogin.

    I’ll patiently wait here or perhaps check back in next month for the inevitable, “I’m too busy” comments that are sure to follow. That’s always a fun one. *Timed this post for fun…took 1 minutes and 20 seconds from login to finish*

    Hell, we could have more conversation with Dwarves in a swamp. And you know how rare those are.

    *oops add 10 seconds*

    The Doogin

    My campaign was set to the tune of “Let’s drain the swamp together!”

    But then I heard when you drain the swamp you find dwarves still scurrying around trying to find their way out…just a bit green in the face from holding their breath. And angry. They’re always angry.


    I’ve been around Dwarves that aren’t angry. Not really much different and less fun to be around.


    Dwarves are German, they are not angry just misunderstood.

    Boo (Tom)

    Are you calling my mom a dwarf?

    She is pretty short though.

    I’ve always had an affinity for dwarves, which is why the Hobbit movies are collectively and individually war crimes.

    Boo (Tom)

    Oh, and Phil’s too busy to post, except to post that he’s too busy to post. Because, you know, he’s too busy. Or something.


    I’m too busy but I’m working on it.
    I’ve lost my password and I don’t know what to do when that happens.
    Personally, I think it’s the shirts. Got to be the shirts.

    Nah just mess’n with ya Phil. Doubt you’ll ever read this anywho…:)

    Cryl (Dan)

    Posted here. Goofed. Moved to the right place.

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Cryl (Dan).

    I have no excuses except I forgot to keep looking.

    Will do better, I promise.


    I’m too busy to post.

    Prophesy realized!


    Not posting = Character death

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