Forums General Discussions Heal Kits

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  • #229

    Must assign at least 1 skill point into Heal. With 1 skill point you get 1d8 of healing plus 1/2 of your total skill level (min of 1, round up). For every 2 levels thereafter you get an additional d8.

    Skill level 1 would be 1d8 +1
    Skill level 3 would be 2d8 +2
    Skill Level 5 would be 3d8 +3
    Skill level 7 would be 4d8 +4
    Skill level 9 would be 5d8 +5
    ….and on it goes

    The rest remains the same:
    10 charges for 50gp (1/2 size kits can be purchased).
    Takes 1 minute to apply.
    One application per 12 hours.

    Boo (Tom)

    Thanks Greg. Good stuff.


    Heal kits might be a tad too powerful. I’m proposing the following adjustments. See two posts up for the current system.

    Skill level 1-5 would be 1d8 + Skill Level
    Skill level 6-10 would be 2d8 + Skill Level
    Skill Level 11-20 would be 4d8 + Skill Level
    Skill level 21 Plus would be 8d8 + Skill Level

    The rest remains the same:
    10 charges for 50gp (1/2 size kits can be purchased).
    Takes 1 minute to apply.
    One application per 12 hours.

    Cryl (Dan)

    I’m good with the new recommendations and would like to add one additional item.

    I feel if you apply a heal kit and continue to travel, the numbers could work well.
    However, if you apply the kit and rest, it could provide additional benefit.

    Or even the opposite – resting is normal and travel provides a reduction.
    Just picturing the bandages on the open wounds as you get bounced around on a horse or walking over hills and forest paths – we’ve all seen that in movies.


    Good idea Dan. Perhaps double the healing if a normal rest (6-8 hours) is taken?


    8d8 plus skill level puts most toons at full, which seems excessive for a glorified box of bandaids. I’d suggest capping at half damage as without magic, contusions and gouges take time to heal.


    I like that idea too Phil. Max 1/2 heal no matter the skill level.


    The Heal Kit new rules have been approved

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