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- This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago by Beck.
June 3, 2024 at 4:58 pm - Views: 99 #757
The Doogin
ParticipantMuershaden – Into the Savage Lands
TLDR: I understand. Will reference giants of importance and the Chaos Gem that was used to close off the Demon Gate in the mists. Precious kept the gem when Queen Bashira requested he hand it over. The Queen teleported away.
Week 1: Gooblins on the Range 6/25/19
Our party finds themselves answering the call across Muershaden, to show up and help patrol the far reaches of Lokistan and Sandrypha where those from the Savage Lands are increasingly raiding the farms and villages, but mostly the farms. They show up at the Eastern part of Lokistan where they are grouped together, not too many from the same area to keep their reports unbiased.
Three show from the area of Buelstapher and end up getting grouped together: Precious, a half-giant who had already been dubbed by those awaiting assignment as twice the size of an ox and half as smart, the Gnome Moondog, and Cleve Durgin, a human with a sword. From Saven the elf Hollis Shadeward presented himself along with an unnamed bowman from somewhere unclear. A dwarf from Lokistan, Gimtek Stonehand rounded out the group. They met with a Master Horse, who informed them they would leaving the next morning to travel to an area of about 10 square miles where they would patrol.
Come morning they were assigned a diplomat to assure they stayed on task. Lord Lodrick, the son of a Jerrell Councilman from Buelstapher, who had studied war at the Buelstapher University, and his ward, Joften, set out to lead the party to an area within two days ride of the base of the Black Mountains. This would be a month’s tour of keeping the area safe and reporting, rather than engaging, should anything too unsafe present itself.
They patrolled and time passed until one afternoon they saw smoke a half mile away. On their way toward the incident they came across a pack of gooblins and their dogs, two of them large and dragging along two humans. They intercepted and traded blows, killing all but one gooblin. Lord Lodrick was a touch miffed that they rushed in against dangerous odds but the group did resist killing the final gooblin so he could take him to the nearest checkpoint for interrogation.
The humans told them their farm was raided by these gooblins and a band of orcs, and after the two sides fought over the loot, the orcs went in the other direction with their farmhands and their daughter. Lord Lodrick deemed a chase was too dangerous saying they weren’t to put themselves at risk, they would instead report back and make a decision then.
The unnamed decided to escort the robed Lord, his ward, the two humans and the gooblin back to the checkpoint while the party stayed behind to heal up. Joften did some light healing while the gnome (pay attention here) healed the baby giant rather than the unnamed who went with the robed party.The rugged party waited until the Lord and company got out of sight and headed toward the farm.
Post with your favored weapon and alignment by Tuesday at 5 and claim your 100 XP. If either of these are a secret, post something and then text the Doogin.
Week 2 – Orcses 7/2/19
The new party heads to the burning farm, meets a halforc named Razgar on their way. They help douse the fire with a lone farmhand and with his and Hollis’ direction, they set off after the band of orcs, slowed by a mule, a loaded wagon and four farm people.They descend on the orc party early the next morning and engage the orcs, dogs and small dire wolves. Many go down on both sides before the gnome disrupts everything and the two smallest orcs attempt to escape with the wagon but are then are run down. One orc escapes, the prisoners are saved.
The group returns to the checkpoint and then returns to Lokistan with Lord Lodrick. The group is told they will be dispatched again in the morning.
At the local bar, The Griff, a man by the name of Borse invites him to his table and tells them about Marian, who he left in the Savage Lands some time back. He shares with the group that the Savage Lands are a threat to Muershaden and there is a fear that a son of Queen Bashira’s is attempting to bring the tribes under his rule (see below).
The party further disrupts things when they pay in gold found on the orcs. It’s a currency none have seen and it’s caused concern that the savages appear to be using commerce. The local magistrate and Lord Lodrick show up to ask further questions of the party about the orcs they defeated.
Lord Lodrick is being sent to the Hall of Thorns to meet with the Handaris Council. He informs the party that rather than heading back out on patrol, they’ll be escorting him there.
Post and claim your 100 XP. If you haven’t yet given your city of origin, alignment and favored weapon, please do so now. If it’s a secret, send the doogin a separate email and post your shoe size or another relevant something to claim your XP.
Week 3 – Hall of Thorns 7/9/19Built on top of the crusted over carousel, sits the newly constructed Hall of Thorns. The home of the Handaris Council. The party arrives there and sits in with a council that that’s not ready to hear all they have to say about the raids.
Once they leave the council they are invited to a private council where they meet Birch, one of the fabled travelers. They are told Queen Bashiera has agreed to meet with an envoy and they wished for the party to travel with Lord Lodrick to try to get Tansieria to return to the Handaris Council.
“Only Bolar, the brass man, has been to the Savage Lands, and he’s not been seen in years.”
The party travels to Tansieria where they meet a Crimson Guard contingent, not really a representation of the Crimson Guard of the less north lands, and our party dispatches them. They have weapons and a masterwork longbow.
Once they arrive at Tansieria they find an inn near the palace. They are received at the palace and met by two drow that Lord Lodrick informs as to the party’s purpose and who he is. They let the party know Queen Bashiera will meet with them tomorrow.
Post for your 50 XP before game time.Week 4 7/16/19
The party meets with Queen Bashiera. She has no intentions of returning to the Hall of Thorns. It’s clear she doesn’t like Kraymorden or any of Muershaden for that matter. She lets Lord Lodrick know his father, who sits on the Jarrel Council of Buelstapher, died the previous night and no one will ever care if he got eaten by wild animals on his way to or from Tanseria to beg of the Queen.Thundering is heard and the party is led into a great throne room arena where giants and their entourages have gathered for, you guessed it, the Council of Giants, led by Queen Basheira. One of the giants sees the baby giant and it’s decided that they wish to see him fight for their entertainment, along with Lord Lodrick.
Since there’s really no saying no, Precious and LL prepare to step into the ring. And while the ring is semi-sacred, it doesn’t imply there is no spectator interaction.
There is betting by the giants:
Clum, a hill giant of the guardian Black Mountains hedges his bets.
Kor, a swamp giant of the south bets heavily on the Orc Warrior.
Barek, a frost giant of the north, surrounded by Minotaurs, hedges his bets.
Hor/Horstance, is a hybrid giant from Rage Rock, from what you gather was referred to as “a tent city” by Borse (the ranger you met back in the day). Hor bets on the baby giant.
Joquor, a fire giant from the south, also bets on the baby giant as does most of the Queen’s people.
The laudable Orc Warrior gets taken down in an instant by Precious and LL survives his bout with a dire wolf. The rest of the party dispatches the dying Orc’s party.
Claim your hero point for posting before game time.
The party is then taken to their chambers. The chambers are an open-air cell, 72’ off the ground. The wall protrudes but it overlooks a lush rock and spike garden laying before the dark forest.
It’s becomes clear that none on the outside world know of this council, and therefore, the party will not be allowed to return to Queen’s Road heading from Tanseria back to Kraymorden.
It is nighttime, the group is recovering. Weird sounds come from the forest, but then, weird sounds also come from the Queen’s Palace. Before dawn another great thundering is heard and over the next hour the giants with their entourages head out through the forest.Handaris
Meet up at the Hall of Thorns. Dips from all cities/kingdoms. Lorman’s Shield and Crimson Guard are present.
Birch is a rep from Saven. He tells them about his travels and that through either the other party or one of his own, Queen Bashiera only knows of what happened to her warrior Slar and now it seems, her unborn son.
It’s best we play close to the vest, not let her know.
On their way to Tansieria
Crimson Guard. 7 Strong. 1 dark elf, 2 gnolls, 2 humans, a half orc, an orc
You left the King’s road some ways back. Now you travel on the Queen’s Road.
10 gold each. Queen’s gold. If not the queen’s gold, then 15 each.Week 5 – The Lay of the Savage Lands 7/23/19
The party uses ropes and tricks to descend to the garden of rocks and thorns beneath their open-air cell, claiming a tongueless Sephyr on their way down.
They steal away behind the leaving Giant entourages and head into a dark path through the woods. They leave Tanseria behind, remembering what they learned from Birch in Handaris, that Queen Bashiera’s son Carrion, known as The Beast, was defeated in the future. In their present time, upon their return, they discovered she miscarried the child.
The group isn’t bothered as they leave the woods but steer off the path at the end and let the Giant Horstance pass by, the last of the giants to leave, on his way back to Rage Rock. What Borse had told the party was the center of the Savage Lands was a tent city where they trade and fight.
Dark Elves confront them at the end of the path, telling them they were allowed to leave as there is free passage during the Giant Council with the Queen, but only in the direction of the Savage Lands. The party neglects to ask how the giants got there a day earlier, but they weren’t completely healed up yet either.
The party camps and is attacked by vicious dogs that don’t scare off when they’re overpowered. They survive the dogs and eat a few of them.
They leave the desolate area of the Savage Lands entrance and head toward the south and east, toward the center. They soon come across vegetation and then a farm and discover human serfs, tending the land and paying what they reap to their orc lords.
They meet a dwarf on the road, Jax the Tax Collector. He rides with them to the outpost town called Port, where he hires them for a piece of gold for when he explains to the empowered magistrates that the druids aren’t maintaining the lands and the crops are falling short. The orc lord gives Jax a fortnight to bring either the month’s crops or a sacrifice.
Jax also tells the party in jest, mostly, that the fabled demon gate is between Queen Bashiera’s legs.
Jax then takes the party to meet Loury, a gnome that lives on the outskirts of town. Loury tells the group of what he knows. The orc regime and how they serve the giant lords across the Savage Lands.
The group asks him of Marian, and he remembers meeting him, but has no idea where he would be or if he still lived.
A knock on the door tells Jax that the magistrates are looking for the party he showed up with to report to them. The party elects to instead leave and head toward Rage Rock, another 3 or 4 days to the south and east.
Gain 100 xp for posting; 50 for the campaign and another 50 for navigating the site.
Week 6 – Ogras, and Death in a Cut Scene 7/30/19
The party heads to Rage Rock, the center point of the Savage Lands. On their way they spot a ranger type watching them. At night they pursue him but don’t catch him once he retreats into the night.
On a path less traveled the group is met by a troop of Ogres the next day, and an Ogre Mage. They carry chains and simply ask for the Baby Giant, but the party refuses.
The small Ogres wade in and the fight starts. The party scrambles to keep from taking blows from the massive clubs.
The party gets in their blows but Tibidee takes a massive blow to the chest and falls. As the rest of the party starts to fall, they take hold and eventually take down a few of the overconfident assailants.
Tibidee cheats death by the heroic efforts of the cleric and gnome, somehow regaining his feet and rejoining the battle.
The Ogre Mage finally casts a deep slumber and two remaining Ogres carry off Precious while the Mage guards their retreat from the air.
The group licks their wounds and Hollis goes in pursuit of the Ogres to see what’s happening to Precious. Not far away, he spies the Ogre and Mage joining their train of Ogres and Orcs and two wagons with barred single person cages. All ten cages are filled with captives, leaving no room for their newest captive. The Ogres rise in anger at discovering their losses. They bind Precious and kick him to the ground and another large Ogre stands over him with a club made of a small oak tree. He readies his blow.
The Ogre Mage rebuffs his anger, more pleased with the prize than angry with losing the extra mouths to feed. The Ogres appear ready to stand against the Mage but the Mage will have none of it. He goes to a back cage and opens it, pulls free a human woman and throws her to the ground. He then picks up the sleeping and bound Precious and tosses him and his weapons into the cage.
The Ogre Mage than motions to the human woman on the ground and the ogres hesitate for a moment. They then lower their clubs and crush the woman in the road with not less than twenty angry blows.
The troop then rides toward Rage Rock.
Hollis returns to the party and finds the cleric and gnome hovered over a body while the others stand idle. It becomes clear that while Tibidee had stood and fought, answering the call of battle, once the adrenaline faded, he collapsed, his chest past broken from the critical strike of the Ogre’s club.
For the Ogre-Bath, everyone gets 1200 xp. For mourning (posting) Tibidee, take another 100.
Tibidee, your next edition will begin at 2240 but can also add 100 for mourning the loss of himself.Week 7 – Rage Rock 8/06/19
The party meets up with Tresham, a human rogue who pretends to give the party healing. They then head to the Tent City of Rage Rock to find Precious.
The Tent City is revealed as an actual city, smaller than those in Muershaden, but far larger than any expected to see.
The party heads into the city, the gates unguarded, the citizens abrasive and restless about the upcoming contests.
They learn that Precious will be fighting on behalf of the House of Argor, a giant that has employed Bwakah, the Ogre Mage, to gather exotic fighters to bring favor to his house at the Rage Rock Arena.
Precious had been taken to the house of Argor and housed with those that would fight the next day or a time in the future. He was taken the next day to the arena where he met Moondog and was given some advantages.
A fight with a half giant on a great lizard takes place and the half-giant destroys a large minotaur warrior. There is a muffled cheer among the crowd and the half-giant rides off.
When Precious enters the fight, extra combatants show up while the party camps behind him in the stands. Chaos breaks out and Horstance, the “mayor” of Rage Rock who saw Precious fight at the palace in Tanseria, enjoys the melee.
At the end, the ogres keeping watch over Precious die, as do those that were trying to take him down from the other side. With the aid of his friends, Precious takes the win and feels he’s been given his freedom.
The group leaves the arena but are met by a female half-elf Precious remembers from when he was a captive. Hela tells them that they did well and Horstance is pleased and has released Precious from Argor’s house.
She wastes little time before reaching into her pocket and gifting Precious 50 gold pieces. She then tells them that Precious now belongs to her faction, who works in close favor with Horstance. Precious will train for the next month and return to the arena at the next moon. It is fall after all, and the feast of the All Gods is approaching. The games of the coming season will be great.
The group is to report to her at House Kaylauph before midnight for their training schedule over the next month. Take until then to celebrate.
A couple in the party detect a small shadowy man approaching the group once Hela moves on.
Take a Hero Point for posting on the what you’re wearing thread.
Week 8 – Marian 8/13/19
The party is directed to an inn where they meet Marian. He is diplomatic and has based his survival in the Savage Lands by keeping below notice and by offering information gathered to opposing factions.
He tells the group about the beast they saw in the arena, Queen Basheira’s Son, Carrion, which is the same name of her son that the Travelers defeated in the future, which caused her miscarriage in their present.
Marion tells them alliances are key to survival, and while he’s not the type to threaten anyone with a weapon, he knows of a place they may be able to gain some trinkets that would aid them in the north. The party escapes the city, taking out a couple that wished to follow them along the way.
The area in the north is where the Phystripian Dwarves descended from the northern reaches, hard and heavy to conquer the Savage Lands, but they met resistance
Marion: You’d best align yourself with those that will assure your survival. But I may also help. I’ve made friends and a few enemies that believe I’ve got value to them. I know where they stash their valuables. Things you will need to defeat those that wish to wage war on Muershaden.
The Phystripian dwarves came long ago from the north mountains. They arrived hard and heavy, ready to conquer these savage lands. They were ruthless, but not quite enough to match the hordes that rose against them. They were defeated in the ruins of Wrath, an ancient temple city from a millennia past.
“They took hold in a stone fortress and attempted to dig their way out but in the months that followed they fell. I don’t know how well guarded the place remains, but it was said to need 3 of good heart to break through the wards. If you’re able, should at least three of you prove to be of good heart, you may find the reward that will allow you to perhaps stay free of those that wish to claim you.
“One more thing. The sephyr could have value should his tongue heal. This one, Lord Lodrick, would be better left with me. At times, unless you’ve not secured alliances with the slavers, the less protected you are, the more some may think you’re protected. Lord Lodrick would fit in well with what I’m attempting to disrupt here.”
It takes a week for the party to arrive on the ruins of Wrath. The place is deserted with the exception of two half-flesh constructs guarding the door to a solid 20’ domed structure. They end up taking one down and immobilizing the second in mud. The door is open behind them.
Take 200 XPs. Hopefully that will level you so you may survive what’s inside.Week 9 – Those of Good Heart 08/20/19
Four of the Savage Infiltrators make their way into the domed chamber and discover triggers to open a portal. They enter one behind the next but find themselves alone with the choice of 3 paths.
The first path a darkened one, with two children, a boy and a girl, holding weapons at the ready. The second is a glowing chest, and the third a passage leading away.
The elf heads toward the children, the others toward the path and glowing chest. All of them then find themselves in a hallway with a glow at the end.
Ahead a demon Salamander appears, behind them dretches are gated in. They fight to near death until finally defeating the demons. There they find a map of Wrath, the ruins they’ve been in, showing a passage to what lays below.
The Sav-Landers find the door into the crypts and make their way deep into a stone worked cavern. It’s an aged quarters for a troop of defenders from long before. They again see the children, one of them shoots a bow before they retreat. The group passes standing tombs in the walls but elect not to dig through the graves. They follow the children into a room and there get child-like ambushed again. They don’t fight back and the kids run off.
There in the room, an elven woman stands before them, somewhat ghastly. The missing party members catch up behind them, also perhaps mentioning that they went for the treasure and the path but ended up here.
The elven woman speaks to them: “You have entered our crypt, a crypt defended centuries ago against those that would oppose our claim to this land of savages. Our war was not kind, but it was just. And our war waged for years. Children were born here, and they died here, in the dark, scared and unprotected. To gain what you seek, you were to bring three of good heart. There was but the elf.”
The children pass through the room and disappear beneath a table behind the apparition of the female elf. The table becomes solid like an altar and begins to glow.
“You may be of good heart, but I’ll not allow you another chance to disprove yourselves. You will now take up station with us to further prevent those like yourselves to search for what they are not worthy.”
Behind her a door flies open and you see dwarven figures with weapons. Their eyes glow amid rotting skin. Behind you, you hear crypts open.
“I’ll not give you another chance to protect my children.”
Post before game time and go to the top of lineup.
Week 9Unidentified Amulet of the Barbarian Dwarves – add +1 to weapon, at half hitpoints +3, at 10% +4
Check +2 Breast Plate
Scroll – Word of Recall
Tome of the Just (radiates evil)
Check +2 Mythryl chain shirt
Cloak of Protection +1
Dark Cloak +2 Protection
+2 Composite Long Bow – Adjust to current users strength
Ring of dexterity +4
Week 10 – The Stronghold
“It’s not a stronghold, it’s a tomb. A dwarven tomb.”But 3 of good heart survive and make contact with the alter, stunting the raging dwarves.
In the end there are weapons, a bit of loot, and a touch of evil.
Items recovered include an arsenal of masterwork weapons, some dwarven size, others able for any fighter.
Amulet of the Dwarves – When raging, adds +1 to weapons, at half hit-points +3, at 10% hit-points +4
Week 11 –
The cloak takes the rogue. +2/+2
ClericWeek 13 & 14
The party leaves Corhun and heads to find Clum, the Hill Giant leader from Bashiera’s Keep in Tanseria.
On their nearly week long journey they encounter the Ogre Mage from Rage Rock and he decends upon them with a pack of ogres and orcs. Once the battle turns he attempts to leave but falls to the druids wind creatures. He goes gaseous but can’t escape the elementals and the dwarf’s heavy axe.
The party bribes their way into Clum’s Keep, in search for a second book. He know of the books but doesn’t seem ready to “open up” about the one that he was said to have. Clum needs something. Whether through apathy, laziness, or political reasons, he needs the group to head into Port and fix his magistrate. The magistrate who has run off the druids, and hides the seeds that keep the farms from producing. Oh yes, also you need to put one in place that will govern once you dismiss Alain. Alain is a woman’s orc name, hu-hu-hu.
Once that small issue is addressed, then we’ll speak more of this book you seek.
And if you hurry, hu-hu-hu, that book the rogue carries, won’t consume him before you tended to my needs.
All take 500 XP for visiting Clum’s Keep and another 500 for posting before game time.Week 19 12-12-19
The party leaves Cleve Durgin in Port to run things, takes his magic and scrolls, visits Klum and takes a map into the Black Mountains to find a second of three books. There they drop into the underbelly of the mountain and encounter thousands of subterainian gooblins. They escape the horde and takes to the tunnels with the gooblins not far behind. They encounter bridge sentries and dispatch them before their pursuers get to them.
Once across the bridge, they fight a stunned feeling but recover to realize the gooblin horde won’t come across the bridge.
They find a Nabasu, a demon surrounded by ghouls. Battle ensues and the demon beneath the Black Mountains falls, along with his ghouls.
While the party recovers, Hollis uncovers a second book. This one, radiating good and seeming to keep the gooblins at bay. He doesn’t dust it off or read it, just drops the heavy tome in his bag.
The tome creates a 10’ arura of divine protection. From evil. At the same moment, Tresham’s book, the Book of the Just, creates a 10’ radius of arcane protection from good.
Take 4250 xp as for the moment, you’re in a safe place.Rolauff – You’ve been noticed. One book, huh. But when Klum sent you after the second, a book none of our size could or cared to gather, word spread.
Week 21-22
The Meursh-landers escape the caverns below the Black Mountains to come across Rolauff, a storm-ish looking Mountain Giant. He lets them know that with the acquisition of the second book, there’s been a “stirring”. There is also the third book, rumored to be in the swamplands in the company of monks.
One messenger delivered to Rolauff’s Keep a scroll from Cleve Durgin, who stayed behind to be Clum’s Magistrate in the town of Port. It’s a word of recall scroll but there’s no clue as to where it recalls to.
He tasks them with dropping some of the druid’s seeds on his lands to stimulate some growth; something the southern druids don’t agree with. He also tells them that he has sent a priest to claim a lost scroll that may help with the books they carry. He’ll meet up with them on the road south after they’ve planted some seeds.
After planting a number of fields with a few seeds, the party moves south toward Davin, an arena city under the rule of Kor, a giant they met at Queen Bashiera’s Castle who bet against them in that arena and lost. Near there they’ll have to locate the secret monk society in the swamplands to uncover the third book.
On the road they meet up with a druid who annoyingly accosts them with treants and other annoying elementals. They defeat his fake friends but he leaves early, as druids tend to do throughout the history of druids. Take an extra 500 xp if you post before game time.
The party tends to their wounds. That night a priest and two traveling companions ride into camp with a scroll. The scroll has two charges/spells/actions…two.
For those that were present last week, take 3500 xp. Bard takes 800 since he was used.From the north Dwarves – came to the Savage Land 400 years earlier to meet and devise a plan to keep the demon gate from opening. Ran into opposition in Wrath and buried the book.
The Book of the Just – Evil.
1. Protection from good 10’ radius
2. Damage reduction +5, +1 reflex and fort saves 20’ radius. 1 regen for 1 holder. Restoration 1 per day.
Lost by Muershaden Lords in the Black Mountains. Once the meeting with the dwarves didn’t happen they were warred upon, retreated into the BM where they fell to the giants and elements.
The Book of Swords – Good
1. Protection from evil 10’ radius
2. All good gain +2 attack, +1 will saves within 20’ radius. 1 Heal per day.
The Monks from the Southlands entered through the swamp where the meeting was to take place. They were never defeated but kept the book away from reach.
The Book of War – Nuetral
1. +2d10 temporary hit points each day, only when in 20’ radius.
2. Cure 1d8 each round.
3. May move 5’ to take AOO while within 20’
4. Does not negate other books. Book of Swords and Book of the Just continue to negate each other.
5. With other books, gives direction to the Gem of Chaos, the key to unlock the booksLet’s recap for the Muershandlers. They’re in the south now. Taking their two books and searching for the third that lays in the swamp lands, supposedly guarded by monks.
They arrive at Roean and get resistance on getting in, but once in they are to meet with the magistrate. At his keep they meet a couple envoys from Carrion’s brood, a brood that has moved through the Savage Lands searching for the Muershers, and of course, running through Port and killing most everyone there.
The envoys extend Carrion’s offer to allow the—“Hey! Fuck! What the hell! Ouch dammit! Get these fuckers off me! Are those my insides? I got red on me. Ah shit.”
One of the envoys escapes the Muershers appropriated Savage Land response and the Muershers leave the next day to travel east through the marshy lands to find the monks that supposedly keep this next book.
But on their way they meet Carrion, a nasty half Drow, half Giant Sorcerer/fighter that was spawned from Queen Bashiera’s demon gate. Quite unbelievably, the party bests Carrion and his crew and end up killing him. Which was disappointing as Carrion was not going to stop until he murdered the wizard hobbit and strung his innards across the swamp.
Anyway, not like anyone cares much about what happened to Carrion…except maybe his mom. But not like she’ll hear about from way down in the lower Savage Lands.
Anyhow, battle over and the wounds tended to, the thundering in the distance is a giant or two…hundred heading their way. Something about a book.
Post before game time and take a free +5 on your next diplomacy roll. Not like it will do anyone any good, but hey, you can say you gave it your best effort.4-23-20
Marion tells them alliances are key to survival, and while he’s not the type to threaten anyone with a weapon, he knows of a place they may be able to gain some trinkets that would aid them in the north.
Clum, a hill giant of the guardian Black Mountains hedges his bets.
Kor, a swamp giant of the south bets heavily on the Orc Warrior.
Barek, a frost giant of the north, surrounded by Minotaurs, hedges his bets.
Hor/Horstance, is a hybrid giant from Rage Rock, from what you gather was referred to as “a tent city” by Borse (the ranger you met back in the day). Hor bets on the baby giant.
Joquor, a fire giant from the south, also bets on the baby giant as does most of the Queen’s people.Marion and Lord Lodrick arrive.
We heard that two books were recovered and Carrion was looking to find you. We were coming to negotiate your release as having any book of that power in his hands would have been dangerous for all here and in Muershaden.Week 24 – Swamp Monks
The weary and battle worn Savage Landers elect not to engage Kor and his friends, instead pulling their rip chord scroll and seeing where it takes them.
They arrive in a monestary courtyard, where monks are overlookings some swamp creatures. There’s a swamp giant, a few frog types and a couple swamp ogres. Naturally, battle ensues and the swamp creatures don’t pass to another day, aside from a frog creature that escapes into the always nearby swamp water.
The monks come out and let the Savlanders know they must pass the test of battle of their number plus one. The four party members then fight five monks, two more tested monks and three half-orc monks that play monks with battle-axes.
The Savlanders best the monks, but are told they don’t fight honorably as the half-man conjured help and the monks didn’t. But all the same, honorable fighting may not be best at this time, the head monk admits.
And then Marion and Lord Lodrick arrive. Marion was coming to negotiate the release from Carrion, not realizing that the party was able to take out Carrion. This changes things.
Take 2500 xp if you were here last week, take 500 for reading and posting.Week 25 – What’s That Smell
A few changes in the party as the Word of Recall spell takes on a mind of its own.
The Half-Orc wizard shows up late after finding the Book of the Just, the dark book previously held by the rogue. The bard also shows after oddly being displaced in the swamp recall.
Marion inquires about the Bard, and the group allows him to go with him and Lord Lodrick. The three leave to secure a place for the party to bring all the books in an effort to close the demon gate in the eastern Savage Lands.
The party then goes in the direction of the third book, deeper into the swamp. A temple rises above the swamp and as they draw close, the swamp comes to life with Swamp Giants and Swamp Ogres and Toads.
And the giants throw swamp garbage at the party. Archers learn they don’t like swamp giants or their swamp garbage. Archers learn this multiple times.
Hero points are used as the giants pound their way through walls of flames. Many will die today.
Post before game time and take a +5 on your next perception roll.Week 26, 5/7/20 – They Bath in Acid
The Librarians finish dispatching the giant swamp people and make their way to the temple grounds and lick their wounds.
The rogue shows up and rejoins the party. They all rejoice but talk about books or bards or things that have changed.
They enter the temple and get a sight full of three amulet wearing clay golems. The center golem they deduce has the third book.
Also in the room is a magic presence the murderous gnome begins to seek out. But this defending magical presence is murderous as well and casts a wall of acid and then throws an acid ball, both injuring the librarians and healing the golems.
The book collectors deduce this much: acid hurts, but it appears to make the golems feel better, even stronger with the acid they receive. They also discover that while it takes a lot to hit these golems, it takes even more to damage them with their weapons.
Moreso, they can’t see the spellcaster tossing acid at them until the evil gnome lights him up with fairy power, all 5 of them. So the acid, while it kind of hurts, at least heals up, unlike the stunning blows from the golems. Not really stunning blows, but hard blows all the same.
The rogue steps into an anti-chamber, a golem break room if you will, and spies a few things…
Post before game time and gain an extra move action in a round you don’t attack.
Week 27 – The Book of War
The Great Wizard dies after dousing all in soothing acid and then soon fall the golems.
One golem holds the third book, a book the paper carriers immediately identify as third artifact book, The Book of War. A lawful and neutral book that reeks of power.
Did someone pick up this book?
Anyhow, all signs point to the east.Week 28 – Between a Rock and Rock Throwing Giants
Or, he’s really twirling that club like a little girl twirls her baton….What’s a baton?
Two factions of Giants clash and the Book Worms make their way into the standing camp of Joquor, the Fire Giant, with Kor, the Swamp Giant on their heals. There they meet up with a bedraggled Marion and Lord Lodrick and they find out that the Bard was taken from them by a faction heading to Rage Rock, unsure if they were affiliated with Hor (Rage Rock Giant).
When Kor and his entourage meet with Joquor, the party is called to the central tent, more like an arena tent.
They elect to contest the Book Wielders to see if they are the truly the ones that should be carrying the books to the Eastern Mists to address the maybe real demon gate.
Ask a giant entourage a question and the answer will usually be: “We will fight.”
The 4 bookmarks will face off against Kor’s 3 Swamp Trolls and Joquors flail wielding Ogre and a rather swift giant that twirls a massive club like the elf knocks arrows.
Fire crosses the field, trolls and giant folk attack. The crowd grows wild. Post before game time and take a +2 on your next attack…just the first attack of the next round, don’t go all dumb.The Book of War – Lawful Neutral
1. +2d10 temporary hit points each day, only when in 20’ radius.
2. Cure 1d8 each round.
3. May move 5’ to take AOO while within 20’
4. Does not negate other books. Book of Swords and Book of the Just continue to negate each other.
5. With other books, gives direction to the Gem of Chaos, the key to unlock the booksCoin of “He Who Protects the Gates Is Protected”
Weeks 30-33 – Bookers turned Band Groupies
They travel back to Rage Rock in search for their abducted Bard. With them they carry a lute given to them by Lord Lodrick when Marian was out. LL tells them about a Cleric in RR that maybe can help them locate Brad the Bard, aka the only living Sephyr in the very secluded Savage Lands.
Finding the Cleric Sorjen at the temple of Vlassru, he offers to find their Sephyr for 6000 gold, but lowers it to 2k when they name drop Marian. They follow the lead to a warehouse area full of less than famine looking grains by the sackful.
They kill the nightshift and catch the lead bean keeper in his upstairs office and then take him down the secret shaft to an ancient hall, full of hell hounds and half-fiends. Like, straight from hell half-fiends. And a Sorcerer who elected to step away after getting twice punched in the mouth. Clearly smarter than the average charisma based dog-wizard.
They retrieve the Bard and return to the warehouse, finding the office ransacked and the lead bean keeper gone.
They go back to Sorjen and drop 6000 gold to get Brad’s tongue restored. For the next hour he regains his performance skills and, as Sephyrs do, he wishes to communicate with other Sephyrs in Muershaden. To best do this, he plays in a local tavern, singing about Rage Rock, not quite the tent city, and that the Queen is coming for them after a slight disagreement with her son.
The tavern fills. The tin tankards refill.
Post and take +5 on the next perception roll and 1000 life inspiring XP.
Marian and Lord Lodrick await the book clubbers at the Hidden City in the Eastern Mists. Well, most of all the players in the Savage Lands await them, but Hidden City parties don’t generally start until the artifact level books arrive.Clum, a hill giant of the guardian Black Mountains hedges his bets.
Kor, a swamp giant of the south bets heavily on the Orc Warrior.
Barek, a frost giant of the north, surrounded by Minotaurs, hedges his bets.
Hor/Horstance, is a hybrid giant from Rage Rock, from what you gather was referred to as “a tent city” by Borse (the ranger you met back in the day). Hor bets on the baby giant.
Joquor, a fire giant from the south, also bets on the baby giant as does most of the Queen’s people.
From the north Dwarves – came to the Savage Land 400 years earlier to meet and devise a plan to keep the demon gate from opening. Ran into opposition in Wrath and buried the book.
The Book of the Just – Evil.
3. Protection from good 10’ radius
4. Damage reduction +5, +1 reflex and fort saves 20’ radius. 1 regen for 1 holder. Restoration 1 per day.
Lost by Muershaden Lords in the Black Mountains. Once the meeting with the dwarves didn’t happen they were warred upon, retreated into the BM where they fell to the giants and elements.
The Book of Swords – Good
3. Protection from evil 10’ radius
4. All good gain +2 attack, +1 will saves within 20’ radius. 1 Heal per day.
The Monks from the Southlands entered through the swamp where the meeting was to take place. They were never defeated but kept the book away from reach.
The Book of War – Nuetral
6. +2d10 temporary hit points each day, only when in 20’ radius.
7. Cure 1d8 each round.
8. May move 5’ to take AOO while within 20’
9. Does not negate other books. Book of Swords and Book of the Just continue to negate each other.
10. With other books, gives direction to the Gem of Chaos, the key to unlock the books
Marian, aka Lord (Marian) Bantare – tried to run a coup in Handaris and take control of the ruling council. He was exposed and ousted before he could do damage. He was tried and sentenced to death but was rescued. Both sides of the chasm accused the other of allowing the escape.Week 34 – What’s in this Stew?
The bookers continue with the Sephyr playing, sending information out and over Muershaden. Songs travel through the land but aside from learning more of what CE Queen Bashiera is up to and that she hid her newly dead son out in the Savage Lands, there is little they could gain or offer on the other side of the Black Mountains.
Their happy tunes get interrupted by a local magistrate who comes in to place the Sephyr and his group of travelers under arrest. He brings Ogres with him which just makes the clean up that much more a chore.
The gnome with great amounts of murder in his heart, elects to prolong the life of the magistrate by turning him into a bunny rabbit rather than outright killing him. This was a little weird but also tells you something about gnomes.
Demons enter the other entrance to the tavern and more fighting ensues. Hardened bystanders run for their lives but also capture the bunny and throw him into the cookpot, while running for their lives.
When the body count of the demon-police reaches its summit, upper windows break out and a horned devil, Co’har steps through with two demons on energy leashes on either side. He tells the book club that he could kill them and take the books, but that is not the way this is to play out. He’ll wait to kill them in the Hidden City should they head there without delay.
The bookers, feelin labeled as they have yet to even open these crazy tomes of knowledge is power, planned to head there already so they shout down the horned devil, claiming that’s where they were headed anyway. All sides satisfied, the horned devil leaves with his demon minions.
The Giants have their armies outside the Hidden City and at the foot of the mists, some may have been visible on their way into the city. Queen Bashiera’s army sits outside to the north. The South Maple Street Book Club doesn’t see them on their way in.
All six of the learned scholars, as learned as they can be by reading the front and back covers of books that they can’t make out a word, enter the eastern mists, directed by the three books taking them toward the chaos gem, or the gem of chaos, or the bauble of not very lawful. Through the eons some names stuck better than others. The gates open to the Hidden City and on the rise, they see a great landing on the way up an eastern and mist covered mountain.
The books stir when they enter, as though they are ready to be awake, or woke, if that’s now the right thing to say about books and demons. It feels as though once they are on this platform they will open and give the deliverers a surge of great significance (like an immediate 35k/10k NPCs XP). But only should they live to get to this great arena looking platform.
Now, prelude to Week 35. Lord Lodrick finds you within 15 minutes of your arrival. He tells you that many have arrived at the sparsely populated city, and the City Guardians agreed that they’d allow each faction to enter with 10 of their personal entourages.
So here’s the rub, “Once we arrived at the city, Marian was taken by the Guardians and I’ve had no contact with him. He hasn’t been forthcoming about this Chaos Gem or how it will interact with this place and the books, he simply said that even if they wished to, they couldn’t kill him until this played out. He has a tie to this Chaos Gem.
“Tonight, mere hours from now, they will convene and see if all cannot come to a consensus as to who shall bring the books to the platform to bring this demon gate to an end. Where it should be you that takes them—they’ve literally had hundreds of years in which they were content with leaving them alone—the gate must be dealt with by someone.
“Those that gain access to this gate, while it’s not truly assured, it is believed they may take access to the gate, open the gate or close it. We don’t know. What we do know is that these books were crafted to close demon uprisings across the lands. They were brought here hundreds of years ago for this purpose by outsiders of these lands. But they were not well received by this land.
“It comes to this. While you’ve been here a while, you, we, are not of the Savage Lands. The faction that takes the books to the close of the gate, will hold the true power of the Savage Lands. They were fine with you bringing them here, but they will not allow you to take control of the gate without contest.
Rolauff and Clum. We’ve decided to treat. We’ll put ours into the arena. Fight with you. Rolauff has a good Scrub, I have loyal warrior. They’ll carry you. When we win, you call us rulers of Savage Land. Then you manage our lands and the little druid makes us all rich by planting seeds.
Joquor. Fire Giant of the south. You found books, it was right of you to be able to deliver books. Now you must step aside. You are not Savage Landers. Should you enter the arena to fight, this time I will not check my warriors.
Barek. North mountains. You are not of the Savage Lands. Your service is finished. I have chosen Morken to stand for me. Give him the Book of War, enter with the other two, and then leave this place. Should you not give him the Book of War or leave the arena, we will contest.
Horstanse and First Giant, Bru. I am already the leader of the Savage Lands. Recognize me as such and I’ll pardon your crimes and support you in the arena.
Kor. Swamp Giant. Tonight. Tomorrow. No different. You die. You all die.
Rolo. The Brass Man. There are demons throughout this land, something has cracked the gate and it continues to crack. It is why we see demons surfacing across the land, and the lessers tunneling beneath the Black Mountains, the greater demons still unable to come through whole. Once they come through, it may connect the planes, which would mean this plane would become a demon plane.
Their fortune is set upon Muershaden. I don’t know of what your books will do, but we must not allow the control of this gate to fall into the hands of these barbarians.
Here is what you should know. Your enemies may also be your allies, yet they see you as the paramount threat. When you enter the arena, all must enter together in close radius of the 3 books. This will bind you all and give the benefits you will need. Even should any openly ally themselves to you, remember that these books, once opened in this arena will grant power that those of this land will be far more determined to gain, rather than hold temporary made allegiances. Your group is diverse, more so than what you will find in the Savage Lands, it’s what’s allowed you to gather the books.
Once in the arena, blood must be spilled to awaken the sepulcher (sepalker). When the eyes glow red you may then take the books from their dias’ to the dias of the sepulcher.
I’ll not enter unless I must, but if I do, realize I have no friends here and all will turn against you.
Queen Bashiera’s emissary. The queen grieves. She has lost a son. She only asks for the necks of four of you, the small neck of the gnome must be in the fold, plus the Sephyr must return his tongue. The two remaining may enter the arena with the books or they may find their way back to the Muershaden to serve as a call to that land. Her terms are not negotiable. You have one hour to present your necks. If I may say, she greatly wishes for you to not accept her so gracious offer.
Marian. All I can do is hold this together until they are defeated. I hold the gem as it is grafted to me but I fear for you and for Muershaden. Should you defeat them, we can gain control of this arena which will give us control of this evil gate. Should you lose, in their hubris, their blatant savagery, they will allow the demon world access to this land, with nothing stopping them from the next.From the north Dwarves – came to the Savage Land 400 years earlier to meet and devise a plan to keep the demon gate from opening. Ran into opposition in Wrath and buried the book.
The Book of the Just – Evil.
5. Protection from good 10’ radius
6. Damage reduction +5, +1 reflex and fort saves 20’ radius. 1 regen for 1 holder. Restoration 1 per day.
Lost by Muershaden Lords in the Black Mountains. Once the meeting with the dwarves didn’t happen they were warred upon, retreated into the BM where they fell to the giants and elements.
The Book of Swords – Good
5. Protection from evil 10’ radius
6. All good gain +2 attack, +1 will saves within 20’ radius. 1 Heal per day.
The Monks from the Southlands entered through the swamp where the meeting was to take place. They were never defeated but kept the book away from reach.
The Book of War – Nuetral
11. +2d10 temporary hit points each day, only when in 20’ radius.
12. Cure 1d8 each round.
13. May move 5’ to take AOO while within 20’
14. Does not negate other books. Book of Swords and Book of the Just continue to negate each other.
15. With other books, gives direction to the Gem of Chaos, the key to unlock the booksThe books are set and they open. They no longer negate each other.
1. Allied range and touch spells and book benefits extend across the arena.
2. Protection is now +2. Replaces protection from good/evil. Stacks.
3. Mass Heal once per day. Heal once per day.
4. Mass restore twice per day (conditions/levels)
5. Mass Surge once per day. One additional attack/spell for current round (stacks with haste, movement)
6. Mass Surge lesser once per day. One additional move / non attack spell for current round.“Ah, Lord Lodrick. Our friends come with the books. You will greet them, and you may tell them to enter the chamber, futilely attempt to make their alliances. But until the point of reckoning, you won’t recall what I now share with you.”
“What treachery are you summoning, Marian?”
“Do you know the effect a demon has on a land? Even the fewest of them spread their decay, depleting the land of resources. Their very presence creates famine.”
“To what purpose?”
“Famine creates chaos. Chaos spurs desperation. Desperation lends itself to action. Action sows the seeds of war. And there is a surreal peace in war while it lends itself to eventual conquest. We raid Muershaden and they respond, sending those of mixed blood to do what we cannot. And I direct them to gather the books. Now they will engage the gate. Blood will be spilled and our army will stride into the Savage Lands.”
“You mean the abyss?”
“When one cannot raise an army, one must only look to an army in the ready. Once the greatest warriors of the abyss step through, it will be only moments until the wedge is placed that will never close.”
“What did Muershaden do to you? What vengeance could you wish for upon the land that you would give your soul to the abyss? That you would seek a deal with the abyss?”
“It matters not to you Lodrick, but I have been greatly wronged by both sides of the Chasm. But you won’t remember any of this until clarity sweeps the arena, and then, far too late, they will all know. In my possession I hold the Chaos Gem. I did not use this so that I could grovel before the abyss, I hold this so for the next millenia, the abyss will serve me as their lord and undying master.
“Now go. I’ll spare you at the end. And Xirius, this time, please protect the Sephyr in the arena. He will announce our coming.”Ok, nice pull out.
June 3, 2024 at 6:38 pm - Views: 97 #758Lucius ‘Razor’ (Greg)
KeymasterRead it all! ….J/K. holy smokes
June 4, 2024 at 12:40 am - Views: 93 #759Beck
ParticipantThanks Bren
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