Forums Bren’s World – Meurshaden Lucius ‘Razor’

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    Lucius pronounced Lou-shus, also goes by his nickname, Razor.

    Lucius ‘Razor’

    Rage Rock is a dangerous place to seek your fortune. My fellow thieves and I found out the hard way that things can go horribly wrong even with a plan and a deal in place. It was simple, really, or so it seemed. Grontog, the half-giant, would make sure his partners were clear of the treasure room. We would then sneak in, take out the sole guard and make off with more bags of gems than you can carry without a packhorse. Grontog would get a third and Felix, Shelia, Durgin, and I would get the rest.

    In and out. One murder and enough treasure to buy our way out of the Savage Lands and live the rest of our days in luxury. Only one problem. Grontog is a back-stabbing liar. Durgin knew the half-giant for years and assured us all that he was good to his word. At least, as good as a half-giant can be that is willing to steal from his friends and let one be murdered to enrich himself. Should have known right?

    The first part went as planned. Felix took a nasty blow from the guardian of the goods, but he would live, and with some quick healing he was good to go. We then managed to grab the treasure and get to the meeting place with little problem. That’s where we met Grontog to split up the bounty. Only he wasn’t alone. Turns out he had friends he liked a bit better than ole Felix and they bushwacked us as soon as we entered the cellar below the old inn. We didn’t stand a chance.

    My lizard brain kicked in as it does during sketchy situations and saved my life. Something just didn’t feel right as we snuck into the deserted inn. Felix kept assuring us that all was good and we had nothing to worry about. Still, my hesitancy had me hanging in the back, close to the shadows. I will never question my instincts again.

    As Felix headed down into the cellar he was greeted by a warm ‘howdy do’ from his good friend. Still smiling, Grontog slammed his gauntleted hand into Felix’s face, showering the stairs, Shelia and Durgin with blood. I instinctively faded into the nearby shadows at the top of the stairs, but I could still see Felix’s head snap back in a grotesque way that was evidence enough that his neck was broken.

    I really don’t know how they missed me, but two more half-giants appeared out from behind long discarded tables and chairs in the old inn and raced to the top of the stairs to block our escape. I nearly panicked as they ran within inches of my position behind a wooden pole. Durgin was an accomplished fighter and I heard him cry out as he launched an attack, I don’t know which half-giant he went after. Shelia began to cast a spell but her arcane words were cut short as a loud ‘thunk’ seemed to indicate a giant club had found its mark.

    I didn’t hear much after that. I knew Durgin was never going to be able to kill one of these brutes much less three. With my help, maybe we could manage one. This had gone to shit and I could see no reason to die and put a nice bow on the whole nightmare. I ran and didn’t look back. Felix and Durgin had the gems on them so that was a loss too. How stupid we had been, how stupid I had been.

    I had enough coin on me to buy myself a safe place to stay with a Drow who had asked us about doing a job for him when we first got to Rage Rock. I don’t trust anyone and especially not Drow so I didn’t stay long. In the two days I was there, however, he told me about an odd group of Humans, Dwarves and even a Halfling that had come through Rage Rock. He didn’t have details, but did say he thought they were searching for something of value and had been asking questions around the city that led him to believe they were adventure types.

    Perhaps the gods were smiling upon me. I was never going to make it in Rage Rock on my own. Grontog knew who I was and would likely want to tie up any loose ends. I was running low on gold and with no friends to speak of, I only saw one way out. Find this group of adventurers and see if I can offer my services. Worst case they turn out to be evil bastards and murder me on the spot. That was likely to happen anyway if I stayed here any longer.

    The Doogin

    Take to the Black Mountains, young adventurer. There you’ll know everyone you meet is pretty much evil. Oh wait, who are those guys fighting those demons…

    Cryl (Dan)

    Maybe we can help with this trust issues if we track down Gronktog and get your gems back.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Cryl (Dan).

    I like this idea. You gents seem to be more capable than my old friends. And more crazy. Who attacks a Devil like that? A half-giant and his friends should be a piece of cake.

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