Forums Phil’s World – Andior The World, Andior The low-down

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    The barony of Everton Wells, run by Baron Orto Brooksland, celebrates the kinship with the kingdom of Andior for a full week every 3rd spring. It’s the biggest of events and merchants and festivity-seeking travelers make the trip. The town of 800 people balloons to more than 3500 for the event. The event includes contests, food, and performances by anyone with (or without) talent who ventures to the town square in hopes of making some silver.
    It is not uncommon to see various races at this time. All are welcome though there are no drow or known hostile races represented.

    If you are local, your spot is likely the Copper Cockatrice, a large tavern and inn that’s the go-to spot in the square. It enjoys a good crowd most nights and during the festival it’s packed every night. Rooms have been sold out for a month before the event and the price of ale always jumps by a copper during the festival. The twins, barmaids, are Lady Aeden and Lady Stori (Cha 18).

    If you are from Everton Wells, you start with an additional 6 skill points in knowledge skills, max 2 per particular skill, due to the aggressive education system put in place by the baron.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Boo (Tom).

    Ooohhhh Balloons! Yay! Do they come in funny shapes?

    The Doogin

    If you think round is funny.


    Says they are people balloons. So I’m betting some are round.

    Boo (Tom)

    3500 balloons? Someone is hyperventilated.

    Boo (Tom)

    There is a literal copper cockatrice at the Belvedere Castle in New York’s Central Park.

    Copper Cockatrice at Belvedere Castle


    Starting wealth: Use the starting gold as your base but if you have a background tat requires more, hit me up.


    Sent a few info tidbits to Tom & Greg for their characters. Anyone else?


    I added a map (Nightfall City) which looks exactly like Everton Wells. Uncanny!
    The castle is the castle.
    The “Garden” on the map is the temple of Peylor.
    The largest building in the almost-center of the town (under “Middle Class) is the Copper Cockatrice.
    Divine is a park and old graveyard for the town elites. A former temple once stood on the grounds but is long gone.
    The Market stretches out half a mile during the festival.
    Tents, beer carts, food carts, whores, and every type of ware is offered either in or around the town.

    Everton Wells

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Boo (Tom).
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