Forums Bren’s World – Meurshaden Week 9 – Red Dogs and Other Ladies of Nights

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  • #853
    The Doogin

    The party reaches Buelstafer, encountering two guards patrolling as they enter. Deemed not undesirables, they’re allowed access to the city that sits at about half the size of Lokistan.
    They gather no information of any Red Dog, but find an old acquaintance, Cedric the Sephyr and his minstrels, at the great tavern Elderberry.

    Cedric knows nothing about a Red Dog, but after spinning a song on stage, he comes back with an answer gathered from afar. The Red Dog used to exist below where the red light district now stands. None have been there in years and it’s assumed to be no longer in existence.

    Men are seen standing and exiting, and Tippy follows them to the district, watching as they enter a house of business, and a closed building with high windows.

    The party visits and explores the den of available women and creatures of exotic origin. But they find no basement or access to a place below. The next day, using invisibility and silence, they storm the door to the closed building and catch a number of men unawares. They enter the back room to find an open gate to a ladder dropping into rooms beneath.

    Cryl (Dan)

    Dropping down the ladder into the depths of Hell, boys!!!
    hehehehe – might be a bit dramatic, but I gotta keep the blood pumping after wiping out these pansies.

    Boo (Tom)

    I remember when the dealing of death held such allure to me. I didn’t actually do it. Stupid peacetime.

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