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  • #606
    Cryl (Dan)

    That’s a pretty big shopping list we have in hand. Seems it’s not just a visit to the library to check out a few books, but a tour of his working space that might be rift with friendly fire to go along with the squatters who have come to visit.
    He left off the Depends…maybe we should be proactive and bring some of those back, too.


    Yeah cause he’ll be another 200 years older by the time we get back. I might need some as well if I’m 20 years older.


    After killing the Kindred Ettin and his minions…

    On the table are two books, which radiate magic. Hendrendile’s Themes and Theories
    & Jonjan’s Book of All Known Magics of Reknown.

    There are several vials of “ingredients”: elf blood & Troll ichor.

    Kindred Shiva Witch
    She has 6 arms and holds a green gem that glows between two of them. 2 daggers and a long spear are in her other hands. Her hands are slimy.

    “Did you bring me more lives for corpsing?”


    RUN AWAY!!!

    It was the slimy hands that did it. Otherwise I’d be charging.

    Cryl (Dan)

    Looks like we have a few of the items from the list.
    Let’s try and ignore her and the slimy hands and see if she just lets us be in our way.
    As far as she’s concerned, we’ll all be dead soon enough anyway.


    Kind of dusty in here. Anyone seen the Doogin???


    Nope been looking for him. I heard rumor that a list of loot may appear somewhere around here but I havent been able to find it.


    Our next quest: Find the Doogin!!

    Cryl (Dan)


    Where can he be?


    I’ll look in the book of knowledge we just got and see if there is any mention of him there. I’m afraid he may be lost for good lads.


    He holds the Tome of Silas Grothmill
    The Tome has amazing powers. Much like a spellcaster, it can cast spells from the list X times per day.
    4 X Per Day. Arcane or Spellcraft DC 15
    CLW 1d8+4
    Comprehend Languages

    3 X per Day ARC / Spell DC 18
    Cat’s Grace

    2 X Per Day. ARC/Spell DC 21
    Ball of Force (Like fireball), 8d6
    Lightning Bolt 8d6

    1 X Per Day. ACR/Spell DC 23
    Preserve Life (Remain ageless for the day)
    Wall of Fire

    Once per day, it can cast a “Summon” spell, which will draw the closest planar creature to the book. No saving throw. Spellcraft DC 25 or the book does 12d6+12 to caster. 2 failed attempts in a row destroys the book doing 12D6+12 damage to all within a 20 ft radius.

    Has +3 Bracers, Ring Spell Penetration +3, +2 dagger, +1 Amulet Nat Armor, Cloak of Resist Fire 10 per attack, +2 Ring of Combat Casting (arc or div)

    Book of Medicinal Magicks
    Three boxes, velvet and fine, containing 2 vials each.

    Box 1: 2 Vials of dragon bile
    Box 2: pouch containing 2 vials: Remove Disease & Greater Heroism
    Box 3: 1 Heal Potions & Restoration Potion, 3 candles of healing (burn each in a 20X20 space for 1 hour heals 8d6+8.)


    Book of Medicinal Magicks
    This is a powerful tome of healing.
    1X day: Mass CLW 1d8+12
    1X day: Heal (120 HP)
    2X day: CLW as free action
    1X day: Preservation. Keeps recipient from aging one day.

    Reading this tome over the course of 12 hours will give the reader…


    2 Longswords
    Fire (Seladius): 1d8+6 +1d6 fire
    Ice (Frore): 1d10+6+1d6 cold
    Special: 2 hits with cold and then 1 with fire does 2d6 extra damage.


    Is the math in your post right? 1d8 + 6 and then 1d6 fire. and the other sword does 1d10 +6 and 1d6 cold.


    The +6 was her additive, yours will be whatever it is.

    Copy/paste has its limits.

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