The party is still arguing in the clearing that ten minutes ago was the scene of a swirling mass of death and destruction. What the hell happened? Why did Malice just leave with that bitch? He saved our ass, he’s the reason they all split. Then, what the hell? She is moving!
The corps of poor Melah sits up. The massive damage from the lightning and fire has left Melah almost unrecognizable. She lurches over and picks up a stick then begins drawing in the dirt. The party is stunned, it’s a map. Melah finishes drawing the area just north of Elfindel and turns to the party with her lifeless eyes and groans “Malice” before collapsing.
The obvious is request the Doogan calls segments so we can slaughter the now-animated dead, which is clearly an evil being at this time.
Coup de graces all around before she can trace an hexagon in the dirt and utter a curse on us all.
Sad how you all fall out of character so quickly when we step away from the table.
Trash talk all you want, mage, but when you close your eyes at night, in the privacy of your most secret thoughts, all of your old fantasies will taste like ash in your mouth. You’re welcome.